Saturday, June 21, 2008


Powerline says it best: The only way to stabilize and bring down the cost of energy, long term, is to produce more of it.

And President Bush calls for four Congressional actions:

Open the Outer Continental Shelf to exploration and exploitation.
Exploit oil shale deposits in the US West.
Drill in the Anwar.
Increase refinery capacity.

As noted elsewhere in this Journal, the national dems oppose all four.


Why on earth would hopefully otherwise intelligent human beings acts in such an asinine way?

Would any gentle reader who knows please submit an answer.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

Why? Well, I can only come to one conclusion and that has to do with dems being nothing more than socialists. Pure and simple. Cheap energy drives capitalism like nothing else. They don't want that.

They would like to model the USA after someone like Sweden. All of us driving micro-cars or bicycles. Living in little tiny townhouses all in a row, and leaving all things to the government who know what's best for us.

They want limited profits, limited freedom, and limited potential. About as un-American as you can get!