Saturday, August 23, 2008


What can one say about the state of Alaska?

We expected it to be our state…but ‘heavy’…that is, wilder, more animals, more remote, more of all the things we love about the North of our state.

We were wrong.

Alaska is not just ‘more’.

Alaska is different. It is unique. It is a message of what was; what is; and what should be about many things.

It is an experience to be had; to be thought about; to be acted upon.

It is not better than our home state.

But it will add a dimension to the lives of all who experience it that did not exist before.

It will cause a change to occur within your consciousness if you let it.

But enough.

We are just back from fourteen days in that distant land, that distant part of the United States. Fourteen days by sea and by land.

At times we felt we were in a different country, that now that we are home that we have returned to the US.

But of course, we were not in a different country. But we were in different country, country which presents the observer with never-ending, seeming contradictions and unbelievable relationships and realities which all fit seamlessly together.

We have experienced nothing else like it in our lives.

How great it would be to be able to put all the particulars into words.

We’ll see.

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