Wednesday, August 27, 2008


We have been watching the coverages of the dem convention.

Fox News, cnn, msnbc, abc, nbc, etc.

I defy anyone to carefully watch all of them and not come away with clear, easily reached and defendable reasons why the one is not better, superior to all the rest.

For anyone to fail to see the superiority of the one I am afraid will cast doubt upon his or her ability to discriminate between the poor, mediocre, fabricating, misleading, and the most “fair and balanced”.

Nuff said.

And I have just read that certain national dem miscreants intend to be present at the Twin Cities in order to distract, disrupt, or otherwise frustrate the Republican Convention which is about to commence.

No surprise. What else could we expect?

national dem watchwords: fight; march; take back the country; punish the corporations; workers unite to take from the rich and give to the poor; save the world from the domination of corporate interests; provide equality of all sorts to all; etc, ad nauseam (sp?) .

Does total equality equal total excellence or...equal mediocrity...without exception?

Think about it.

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