Thursday, August 28, 2008


The national dems stress in their speeches and print and broadcast media that the American dream is in trouble; that the economy is weak; that the war in Iraq is lost; and that US alliances are in disarray.

Democrats beware!

The traditional American Dream has allowed b.o. to take centre stage. The economy grew by over 3% last interval. The Iraq War is well on its way to being won. And US alliances are vibrant and well.

Apparently, b.o. spoke to over 80,000 folk.

He was well received. Of course, he promised a list of things that no superman could ever deliver. And b.o. is no superman.

If only the ‘true believers’ could look around them and pierce the haze that their myopic vision has limited them to.

The economy is not spiking, but it is not in recession. It is growing, albeit modestly.

The war is being one, one front of it anyway.

Unemployment is low, near 5%. In oil country, where the dems permit only limited drilling, it is booooooming.

Our alliances are strong and flourishing. NATO is pushing into Eastern Europe. Russia is having a catfit.

To hear the dems tell it, the US is a third world country. You have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to realize it.

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