Sunday, March 8, 2009


First robin seen yesterday, high in a tree, primping and perfecting him/herself.
A sign of the times.
The season renews.
If only the economy could/would renew.

It will.
This is the US of A. It will.

Because of or in spite of b.o.
Take your choice.

We have taken our choice.

b.o. has done poorly by the British PM. The rumor is that b.o. and staff do not have any feeling for the specialness of the relationship that exists.

The story of the gift exchange is, well, quite a story: 25 dvds and two toy helicopters for the Brits and priceless treasures for b.o.

b.o. is of Chicago. Now, our memory is fallible. We tried to Google this last night.
But our memory suggests that in the 1930’s King George and Queen Mother Elizabeth came over and an American mayor threatened to punch the King in the nose if the King came to his city. He was playing the macho American patriot to an unsophisticated electorate, but for heaven's sake.

Our memory further suggests that this mayor could have been the mayor of Chicago – not sure.
Could have been elsewhere.
Google did not help.

Now, Chicago is a wonder. We know it is the hog butcher of the world and a lot of other good things, as Carl Sandburg said in his wonder of wonder poem.

But really, to play games with the Mother Country at a time like this is b.s. Worse than that. It is minor league, stupid.

The British Isles are the Mother Country of the United States, regardless of what anyone, anyone, asserts, for much more than our ancestors have come from there.
They deserve better.

We hope this is not a modern version of the childishness of the 1930's being played out by a Chicago politician.

There is an Italian word I should try to use here: Capish [I know it is spelled incorrectly] ?
I cannot find the correct spelling.

b.o., despite his protestations to the contrary, has a lot to learn.


Upnorfjoel said...

You're right Paul. It was "Big Bill" Thompson:
"In 1927, Al Capone's support allowed Thompson to return to the mayor's office. Pledging to clean up Chicago and remove the crooks, Thompson instead turned his attention to the reformers, whom he considered the real criminals. According to Thompson, at this time the biggest enemy the United States had was King George V of England. Thompson promised his supporters that if they ever met, Thompson would punch the king in the nose."
This guy was every bit as crazy as the Daly's...and I'm sad to say, the last Republican Mayor of Chicago.
The politics of this city have been messed up almost as long as there have been politics. It's not going to change anytime soon either...especially now that it's being exported to Washington!

Upnorfjoel said...

A little more on this crook:

"After Thompson's defeat, the Chicago Tribune wrote that

For Chicago Thompson has meant filth, corruption, obscenity, idiocy and bankruptcy.... He has given the city an international reputation for moronic buffoonery, barbaric crime, triumphant hoodlumism, unchecked graft, and a dejected citizenship. He nearly ruined the property and completely destroyed the pride of the city. He made Chicago a byword for the collapse of American civilization. In his attempt to continue this he excelled himself as a liar and defamer of character.[3]
Upon Thompson's death, two safe deposit boxes in his name were discovered to contain nearly $1.5 million in cash"

Some things never change!!

Upnorfjoel said...

More "no class" Chicagoan (sp?)politics....also against the Brits...

"British prime minister Gordon Brown thought long and hard about what gift to bring on his visit to the White House last week. Barack Obama is the first African-American president, so the prime minister gave him an ornamental desk-pen holder hewn from the timbers of one of the Royal Navy's anti-slaving ships of the 19th century, HMS Gannet. Even more appropriate, in 1909 the Gannet was renamed HMS President. The president's guest also presented him with the framed commission for HMS Resolute, the lost British ship retrieved from the Arctic and returned by America to London, and whose timbers were used for a thank-you gift Queen Victoria sent to Rutherford Hayes: the handsome desk that now sits in the Oval Office.And, just to round things out, as a little stocking stuffer, Gordon Brown gave President Obama a first edition of Sir Martin Gilbert's seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill. In return, America's head of state gave the prime minister 25 DVDs of 'classic American movies.' Evidently, the White House gift shop was all out of 'MY GOVERNMENT DELEGATION WENT TO WASHINGTON AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT' T-shirts. Still, the 'classic American movies' set is a pretty good substitute, and it can set you back as much as $38.99 at Wal-Mart." --columnist Mark Steyn