Monday, March 23, 2009


It is late here at The Study as we take keyboard in hand – going on toward midnight.

And cocktail hour has been most enjoyable. Salmon for dinner followed by strong tea and Jack Daniels.

And the house is quiet.

The Wife is in Florida.

Sophie Matilda and I are holding down whatever we are holding down…the Fort, I think Gramma used to say.

At any rate, as I am filing away papers and doing this and that, it occurred to me that the US is today suffering from more than just economic difficulties.

The more I watch the various news outlets – CNN, MSNBC (news?), Fox, and the host of online media outlets from both/all sides of the aisles via the internet, the more I am convinced that the US is experiencing a national disconnect, a situation in which roughly one half of the nation is wedded to a different set of … what shall I say…governing principles than the other half.

Indeed, we are experiencing a non-violent civil war. I think we are seeing a largely non-violent version of what the nation went through in the 1850’s.

Now, this is not based on any lengthy study. Rather, it is based on anecdotal evidence…

The sentiments and behavior being exhibited are bitter, vitriolic, and from the Left very often of the most disgusting sort.

This sounds prejudiced, but I believe that it is true.

The South of the 1850’s perhaps did have a legitimate right to secede from the Union. I do not know. But I do know that they could not be allowed to do so. And their dependence upon slavery was reprehensible.

Today, the Left has a right to say what it is saying, but the policies they are promoting are often dangerous, disgusting, immoral, and harmful to the national welfare.

It would be easy to cite a huge number of examples. But it is late. And tomorrow is a busy day.
And I do not make a living by making this cite prove everything it says.

But the libs these days are too often a disgusting bunch given to disgusting behavior.

We are experiencing a national disconnect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A "non-violent civil war". Wow, that packs a punch. What an amazing image.

I see our "Generals" as the BIG Generals (not earthly). And only one General calls ALL the soldiers His children -- who He loves (2 Peter 3:9). Amazing.