Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Tuesday AM and the rain is pouring down.

A very attractive naturalist in Alaska this past summer told us that the folks of Alaska refer to the sometimes heavy Alaskan rains as “Liquid Sunshine.”

Pretty phrase.

Pretty girl.

At any rate, the rain is pouring down, the clouds are busy being cloudy, and we are at the keyboard and at the notepad, updating/recording impressions and working on a new Lenten Study Program, and remembering this and that from our Alaskan Adventure.

A second robin has made his/her appearance, and the rest of the ‘residents’ are busily going about their early change-of-season activities.

A thought has occurred whilst making coffee this AM: we survived the eight years of clinton, a President we viscerally disliked. We then were treated to eight years of President Bush, a President we could identify with and sympathize with.
And now we are saddled with b.o., perhaps for eight years.

How many more such Presidents can we survive?

I do not mean how many can the country survive – rather, I mean how many can we at The Study survive?

We are not getting any younger.

We at The Study cannot listen to him for any length of time. We prefer to use instead analyses and written transcripts, comments and the like from all sides of the political chart.

I will not defend or give examples here of why we find his spoken words to be so upsetting, even embarrassing.
Sufficeth [I hope that is a good word] to say, he is thus far a disgrace – as are what we have seen of the people he is putting into positions of power.

We wonder, will we make it to a good President again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Liquid Sunshine" -- in that case, we had too much sunshine in AK last summer :) Unseasonably cool temperatures, too. Thanks for your comment today -- it was like "letter sunshine" to my soul!

And when the political blues hit you, always remember Philippians 4:8.