Friday, May 22, 2009


Our camp is part of a community on the Lake.

It comes to life every spring, summer, and fall and then gradually subsides, kind of like Brigadoon, into a sleepy state, waiting reawakening the following year.
Lots of folks are launching boats and getting them ready to launch.
Yesterday a very particular neighbor hauled his pontoon into camp and was preparing it for the launch.
He discovered, on one of the pontoons, a robin nest with several bright blue eggs.

He told his wife.

They talked it over.

Today I asked him if he had put his boat in the water.

He said no, he had put it back in the staging area.

And the mother bird was sitting on the nest.
He said the Lake was still cold.
He didn’t need to be out there yet.

I thought to myself, we have nice people in our Community.

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