Friday, May 15, 2009


A number of websites are saying it - and I cannot resist.
There is a Biblical lesson to be learned by b.o.'s election to the Presidency:

Beware what you pray for when you pray for something like change.
You just might get it.

1 comment:

mjfreela said...


Unfortunely during the "end times" the United States is hardly a factor. The only reference in the Bible is of the "Eagle" carrying the remnants of Isrial to safety. To me this means that the influence and power of America must certainly wane. I think it will happen quickly and in the next few years.

The war on Terror, though necessary, has drained our resources and money. The same with oil. Liberal, radical Democrats have seized power in all branches except the Supreme Court and they hate the United States. (Hope Palosi gets kicked out on her twisted ear) The Church, for the most part, has opted out. Hyper inflation is right around the corner due to recent policies. It doesn't look promising.

However, during bad and hard times God always provides outstanding leadership and moral men/women. Emphasis on men.

What to do? Keep the faith. Keep fighting the good fight. Pray to Almighty for wisdom and strength to stay in it for the long run. Be active, be involved, fight evil at every turn. Be not fearful. Be of good cheer because we win in the end.

Your comrade in arms. Mike