Thursday, February 7, 2008


- Archbishop of Canterbury says Sharia Law is Unavoidable
You just gotta be kidding!!!!!!

- Romney has dropped out of Presidential Race
Please get ready to consider the pros and cons of maybe an ideal ticket.

- New Orleans a Dodge City
This is an insult to Dodge City.

- Dubai buys a Piece of London
And a good thing it probably is.

- US Intelligence Wrong on Iranian Nukes
Something may be very wrong with US Intelligence.

With headlines like these, who needs to worry about a TV writers’ strike?
Light a fire.

Mix some drinks and pop some corn.

Invite some friends over or fire up the computer and let the games begin.

How sweet it is!!

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

Oh my God Paul; too much gloom stirred up in one message, with only the briefest mention of adult beverage and popcorn! It may take more to offset!

Let me just comment briefly on the two British items, since you were writing about Prince Andy the other day, and I had wanted to say something there also.

The Prince evidently thinks the U.S. can learn some lessons from British imperialism. I'll say that he's probably correct on that. But he should be focused on his own little country rather than talking about our mistakes. Who the hell is going to save Britain? If Andrew has any influence with his position and resources, I would hope that he uses it to help his countrymen to wake up!

Runaway immigration policies and a government bent on secularism have both worked to foster the rise in Islam, and the huge issues that are just starting to rise there because of it. Now the Archbishop calls for more tolerance and accommodation. He is inviting disaster. Swinging from one extreme of being a historically Christian culture, to a secular one where all are cultures are invited to bring their own rules and be accommodated, plays right into an Islamic Extremists hands.

A vacuum is being created and Islam will fill it. It already is.
(Muhammed was the second most popular baby name in Britain last year, by the way.)

Is anyone over there getting it?!!