Monday, February 4, 2008


From somewhere on the web: the candidate who becomes President in the upcoming election will not change Washington. Washington will change him/her.
In other words, do not trust a candidate who shouts that he/she will change the nation’s capital.
It ain’t gonna happen.

obama’s resume and promises deserve close attention. Or is the word scrutiny? Look for specifics. If he speaks in generalities, which he does, check to see if they are justified. Sometimes they are.
But sometimes they are just empty mouthings.

With hillary, the nation will get bill. Imagine bill in the hallowed calls again. God help us all.

Beware the candidate who claims that the US is w/o allies. We have tons of allies, but said allies need a catalyst to become more significant than they are. Talk about vagueness.

As good as he is, President Bush is now carrying a lot of baggage in the eyes of the outside world. His style is authentic. Lots of the world does not understand authentic. Need I say more? Later.

I fear a terrorist attack if a tough Republican is not elected to the Presidency. I talk to fellow Americans who think that Bush and Cheney are dangerous. I am sorry they feel that way.

On the other hand, I hope that the barbarians are afraid of them. I have a theory that something bad will happen if a dem is elected to office. As I said in an earlier post, it is better to be feared by the bad guys than to be loved by them. Amen.

As a good book says, “Do unto others before they do unto you.” Second-strike capability is not good enough anymore.

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