Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Dr. James Dobson has lost it, politically at least.
A liberal dem should not be elected to the Presidency, if for no other reason than to prevent him or her from appointing Supreme Court Justices.

Why wouldn’t Rudy be a good VP for McCain?
Why not??

Why is Huckabee still in the race?
He has a right to fight on.
But he has a duty to support the inevitable winner.
He would not be the best choice for VP.

Iran is entering or is about to enter the space satellite business.
Iran is in possession of or is about to be in possession of whatever a super centrifuge is.
Iran thusly has or is about to have an ICBM capability.
Iran is a self-declared enemy of the US and Israel.

If the US should decide to overlook the obvious, Israel will not so decide.

The Mayor of Detroit is still in office.
The Mayor’s other significant other is history.
When will the Mayor be history??
He should be history.
It appears that the ever-so-deep and wise authorities of Detroit want to be ever so correct and clever.
There are so many things to consider.

Detroit will get what it deserves. Sure, Detroit is on the way back.

Most of us are not experts in very many areas. Some of us know we are not experts.
Many of us think we know a lot more than we really do.
Folks of yesteryear [now, that’s a nice word] weren’t experts in a lot of areas either. But they often knew that they weren’t all-knowing.

They didn’t have ipods and pcs and laptops and ipcs or whatever.

They generally knew something of their limits and they deferred to the perceived wisdom of others. At least they sometimes did defer.

Nowadays, many of us are self-proclaimed experts on lots of stuff. A few examples: global warming; running a school; religion’s role in whatever; sexual orientation; international affairs; national security; and on and on.

And we credit our great wisdom to our consumption of sound-byte MSM print or broadcast.

Laton McCartney, author of a recent book on Teapot Dome, stated this week that the MSM of the 1920’s and thereabouts used to publish non-sound byte reports on the issues of the day. Many, many of them. And those were the days sans internet.
And he said that lots of folks read those non-sound byte reports.

And we think we know so much about so many things. It is probably most accurate to say that we have lots of data and little comprehension of meaning.
The MSM does not offer us non-sound bytes. If it did, many of us would not read or listen anyway.

We know that this or that is happening but not why or how or what the likely results are to be.

Conclusion: our democracy is at once well-intentioned and largely literate but also quite w/o the slightest clue as to what is really going on in today’s key areas of concern, culturally, nationally, internationally, etc.

We need to elect good leaders. Our leadership needs an intelligent public. The two constituencies support each other.

Being an adult has never been an easy job.

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