Monday, April 28, 2008


We are moving inevitably into spring and for news junkies and students of public affairs, this transitional time is unusually active.

2008 is an election year, but even that fact does not account for all that is going on. It does account for a lot, tho.

The Pope’s visit was riveting. How many church leaders could get or expect such a reception.

The chaos of the democrat primary season is unbelievable. It couldn’t happen to a more appropriate group of confused Americans.

And then there has come upon the American scene quite a different sort of person.

rev wright spoke with moyers and at the National Press Club. I did not see the moyers talk. I did see/hear the Press Club performance.

The reviews said moyers did a half-as.ed job. Probably more like a quarter-as.ed job.

The reverend was remarkable at the Press Club. He has the gift of gab. But what a divisive, hate-driven gift to the Republican Party.

He is a disgrace to his profession. He is a disgrace as an American. Some have said he is a victim of his generational influences. I think not. He is too intelligent, too savvy to be such an ignorant figure.

He is glib, quick, and highly intelligent. I suggest rather that he is a hate- filled racist who, before he is done, will cause at least some harm to race relations in our Republic. And he is bound to injure the campaign of b.o.

I do suggest, however, that any average debater with a modicum of knowledge could take him on and win concerning matters of US History and current events, diplomacy, etc.

His remarks at the Press Club were full of Biblical references and I cannot address them. But his comments regarding civil and military matters, that is, political, diplomatic, international affairs, etc., seemed to me to be lamentably ignorant and rather more skillfully crafted to confuse rather than to really address issues.

Insofar as people believe him on matters of the American Enterprise in which we are all involved, he is a monster.

I rather expect and hope that he will be regarded as a talented rabble rouser whose positive contributions to society give no credence whatsoever to his outrageous distortions of historical or present reality.

God grant that he does not stir up enough trouble to do anything but insure the election of Republican candidates this fall.

Anyone who defends him is really not worth wasting time talking to, for they will not be folks of sound judgement.

1 comment:

Mike B said...

On the one hand, I am deeply saddened at the explosive and dispicable remarks of Reverend Wright and do not understand the apparent disinterest of our major media. He is building walls, not bridges, not only with those of different color, but with those of color.

On the other hand,I acknowledge his theological academics and the good works of his congregation in the community and world. To me it is most unfortunate that his actions and words are so devisive and in such sharp contradiction to that which is expected of a man of the cloth.

Reverend Wright needs our prayers and I for one pray that he would be filled with the holy spirit, the love of our Savior and that he would have a contrite heart.