Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The winter of 2007-08 was a good one. There was lots of snow. It was cold.
We loved it whilst it was here.

We were/are ready for spring.

The koi pond was ready for spring.
Herself [the Wife] told me she could smell it.

She was right.

The order was given.

The pond was summarized [gotten ready for summer]: water drained; debris removed; pond rinsed; refilled with fresh water.

And this year we added a fountain in place of a water fall.


Tomorrow the water plants go in and then the 12 koi.

You have to take care of things. it was a smelly job. It took hours and hours.

It is harder now than it was fifteen or twenty years ago.

Or am I weaker??

Anyway, it always seems worth it when done. It looks beautiful.

The gardening around the pond is already being planned for the new season.

It occurs to me that our lives, the ways we confront the world and interact with it, operate on a number of levels, or layers. That we can choose to ignore quite a lot of things. Not always. But sometimes.

I forgot all about the primaries today, until I was done and cocktail hour arrived.

hillary and b.o. did their spinning and I skipped it all. I rarely watch or listen to their speeches. They spin; they misstate; they misquote; they misremember.

Really, the most fun/knowledge to be gained is to be found in the analysis by reputable commentators.

That is the trick, to pick the good analysts.

It is a waste of time to me to listen, except to reinforce negative opinion.
I know that sounds bad, narrow, ignorant. So what. I am right.

hillary is going to lower gas prices. Perhaps b.o. is also. Sure!!

And there is the out sourcing. Is that one or two words? One or both of them will stop that. Yeah!

And the Iraq War. That will be declared a loss and we will retreat. If they can get away with it.

Taxes will be raised and NAFTA will be discarded. Yes for the former but baloney on the latter.

Washington, D.C. will be changed. All the bad stuff will stop. I have a bridge to sell.

All the corruption will end. Sure!!

Iran will learn to love Israel and the national dems will usher in an era of unbelieveable peace and prosperity. No comment.

All the nations of the world that hate the US will learn to love the US. Of course.

The un will be listened to and hunger will end. In a pig's eye.

Global warming will be cooled off. Youbetcha!

hillary and bill or b.o. and his wifemichelle, I think…will grace the White House with a new brand of elegance. Yeah, right!!!!!!!!

rev wrong will give the invocation at the inaugural.

all the disgusting liberals who know these four people will be received by the winning candidate and spouse and will disgrace that which is honorable. This WILL happen.

This is the picture you will get if you listen to the speeches of the candidates, the dem ones. Well, they will not admit to last development mentioned above.

But the rest? Rubbish. Bulls..t.

I forgot about hillary and b.o. whist cleaning out the pond muck.

Pond muck is better to think about. It is nasty but it cannot be elected to anything.

And it is relaxing, especially when the new fountain kicks in.

hillary and b.o. are not relaxing.

It has been a good day.

Eveyone should clean out a koi pond once in a while.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

So now your slinging muck too! 'Tis the season!

I will invite myself over to see the koi (I'll leave the rod at home). Sounds like a nice spot to sit and think.