Sunday, September 7, 2008


From anchors to analysts…Olbermann and Matthews.
It couldn’t happen to nicer guys.

Left wing drivel spewed forth from these two…talking heads.
msnbc has done the right last.
Hurricanes churn across the Caribbean and threaten our eastern coast.
Us warships transit the Med into waters considered home waters by Russia.
Russia announces naval exercises in our Caribbean.

b.o. continues to mouth his inanities.

Sarah P. continues I am sure getting ready for her ‘coming out’ series of events before the electorate.

She will do fine.

She is, as the pundits have said, a ‘quick study’.

Joel over at The Mole Hole picked her out a year ago as a winner, as someone to watch.

We started to do so here at The Study.

Bill Kristol (sp?) announced in June that she would be the pick.

He is wrong occasionally. Not often. And not this time.

The election is just a few months away. The campaigns have begun the final lap, and it will be engrossing. We look forward to the doings.

Pray that it goes well.

The nation, the world, needs a good outcome.

Russia is testing President Bush as the end of his Presidency. As sure as little green apples, it will tests b.o. if he is elected.

Russia will not test McCain as aggressively.

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