Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Surfing the news sites on the web is enlightening, encouraging, and discouraging.
Put on the coffee, fix an English muffin, and hit the web.

Read Powerline…. http://www.powerlineblog.com/

W/o doubt, it is one of the best, most informative sites on the web. Does it have a liberal bias??
When hell freezes over.

And on a sad note, Brit Hume is set to retire at end of the year. One can only hope that he continues in a significant way on Fox.

Can Sharia law really be enforceable in parts of the UK??
Say it isn’t so.
Such is being reported.
I hope there will be more to come re this. The Mole Hole feared as much some time ago. We thought no way.
You gotta wonder.

Fox is doing interviews with First Dude. Did a good job with Sarah last week.
If you get a chance, check it out.

b.o. says the surge is working, that he was right to oppose the surge.
b.o. says the econ woes are the fault of the Republicans, that he can fix all.
b.o. is facing a new kind of 50 state campaign, one he did not imagine.

Have you heard the rumor, that joe biden might resign candidacy in favor of hillary?
The idea is being circulated, talked about. Not likely, but…interesting. b.o. really wants the Presidency. Wants it more than loyalty. Whatta guy!!!

acorn is reported to be ‘recruiting’ voters again…
"There appears to be a sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications," said Kelly Chesney, spokeswoman for the Michigan Secretary of State's Office. "And it appears to be widespread."

And acorn is funded by public monies. I wonder what kind of folks acorn is registering. I wonder if they are all alive. I wonder if they will know how to vote.
Folks hard hit by the Gulf storms are still in a bad way. So what else could be expected? These storms are bigtime. God help those who were/are in harms way.
We are wondering when the charges of Federal incompetence or worse will start. Maybe they already have.

The polls are suggesting that perhaps, just maybe, the fall election will break the right way.
We have hope.

Confusion to the enemy. Confusion to the competition.

May the right win.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

I heard this Biden rumor, right after a "town square" meeting in which he said that Hillary probably would have been the better choice!

Not only did he shoot himself, but he also called into question the wisdom of his master's decision.

Everytime Joe Biden opens his mouth, there is a risk of a mega-gaff. One commentator though, has said that Biden's made so many of these over the years, that there's really no backlash anymore. It's basically expected and accepted.

Now there is talk of replacing him. I don't think it will happen, but it might. The whole process, somewhat on both sides, is now down to an American Idol sort of popularity vote. McCain opened up a whole new kind of chess game. Sarah has become the people's choice for now. If McCain should win, she will get much of the credit, and it will put a whole new twist on VP choices of the future.

Nominate the main candidate based on what ever substantive criteria each party demands, (dems apparently demand little) and then
have fun with the VP choice, looking at celeb status, popularity, looks, etc..

If Barack Hussein sends Biden packing, can you imagine Obama/Winfrey or Obama/Jolie or how about Obama/Hanna Montana? (Oh wait, not quite old enough). Maybe 2012.