Monday, September 15, 2008


Turmoil among the financial giants.

Gigantic sorting out is underway.
It appears that mistakes have been made…for some time…by our financial ‘experts’.
And now the piper has to be paid.

b.o. blames the Republicans.

The President and candidate McCain assert that the economy is fundamentally sound.

joe biden is live on the stump today proclaiming that the economy is not fundamentally sound, that we are virtually on the brink of 1929ish collapse, that McCain is totally out of touch with reality.

How sad for the dems to be in a party that needs American collapse/failure for it to prosper.
Many of us long for the good old days when both parties would argue instead for their own policies to improve our success, not to save us from catastrophe which is at hand.

For catastrophe is not at hand.

It is made up.

We are in delicate, transitional times. The difficulties have been caused by a lot of factors, some of which are most indirectly connected to partisan politics.

Beware the candidate who proclaims that he or she is a new light coming on the scene.

Treasure the candidate who promises to work with the powers that be to fix that which is out of order.

Beware the soundbites.

I actually watched a national dem activist this AM, on TV, argue that McCain’s inability to type, to email, to use a computer, is evidence that he is ‘out of touch’.


The idiot did not know that war injuries were the reason for the inabilities.

He asserted that if one cannot type, he cannot know what is going on in the world.

My God!!

How many people do you or I know who cannot type and who are very knowledgeable about the world around them?

I am reminded of the joke/question that sheds light on the difficulties of anyone trying to deal with the public.

What does the President of the US have in common with the manager of a cemetery?
Both have lots of people under them but no one is listening.


Good grief.

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