Saturday, February 16, 2008


God bless Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor.

He has said the obvious, an obvious that is long, long overdue.

The Archbishop of Canterbury was, perhaps, the straw that broke the back of silence.

Check out the link:

the last paragraph is especially poignant:

“Privately people have had doubts for years but now there has been a change in the climate and public figures are prepared to admit that multiculturalism doesn’t work. “For a long time people felt they had to be in favour of it – to be against it was like being a Holocaust denier.”

Perhaps a little common sense is returning to public discourse.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

On an earlier blog of Paul's, I wrote the following:

"Runaway immigration policies and a government bent on secularism have both worked to foster the rise in Islam, and the huge issues that are just starting to rise there because of it. Now the Archbishop calls for more tolerance and accommodation. He is inviting disaster. Swinging from one extreme of being a historically Christian culture, to a secular one where all are cultures are invited to bring their own rules and be accommodated, plays right into an Islamic Extremists hands."

I also asked if anyone in England "is getting it?" I'm pleased to see the Cardinal is indeed "getting it." More of these influential voices are needed, and perhaps it is not too late.