Saturday, March 29, 2008


Maintaining ambiguous, informal ties to Taiwan is confusing and potentially dangerous; it obscures Beijing's understanding of just how committed the United States is to Taiwan's defense and self-determination.

John Bolton was reviled by the national democrats. He was denied by them of his appointment as US Ambassador to the United Nations.

He was appointed by President Bush.

That was why he was opposed by the national dems.

He is insightful. He is brilliant. He doesn't give a damn for ignorant fools.

In this article, he points out the importance of clarity in international relations and the dangers which lurk in policies which muddy the diplomatic landscape.

Spies, intelligence agents, etc., will always be with us because nations have to know what their allies and enemies and whatever are really thinking and really doing.

John Bolton argues that it is generally helpful if nations make positions as clear as possible as they go about their affairs.

Check out the article.

It is persuasive.,0,4808578,print.story

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