Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Super Tuesday 2 has come and gone.

hillary and barrack struggle on with vigor toward what may well be a bitterly contested convention.

John McCain is now the nominee, officially, of the Republican Party. He is being received today at the White House.

Both sides have advantages and disadvantages. Such is the way of things.

I cannot remember when political contests, races, etc., were so close, the outcomes of which were so difficult to predict.

So much depends on every step, every move made by the various candidates.

Attack ads work. hillary has shown this beyond a doubt.

barrack and hillary take their polls and design their messages to fit their audiences.

John McCain soldiers on, walking the tightrope of remaining a maverick whilst courting the party base.

There once was a time when the voter could view the race for the Presidency and other high offices as choices between tweedledee and tweedledum.
That is not the case this year.

Samuel Johnson once said:

When a man is tired of London he is tired of llfe; for there is in London all that life can afford.

Paul now says:

that if you are tired of national politics in this Year of Our Lord, you are tired of that which is of supreme importance to our lives.

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