Sunday, March 9, 2008


The president of iran visited Iraq last week.

The voice of npr’s danshore opined that it was terribly significant that the president’s trip was announced; that he went about in broad daylight w/o the bevy of guards that any US official would find it necessary to employ; at least implying that such freedom of action is evidence of the failure of US policies and efforts.

On the one hand, danny is right. The US Coalition has failed to totally suppress the barbarians active in Iraq.

But the real point is that the bad guys in Iraq like the president of Iran and would never think of doing him in. he is a sponsor of their terror. He is a big reason why they are as well equipped as they are. he is part and parcel of what they are about.

They are trying to kill their opponents, the good guys. They are trying to kill Americans and Iraqis who are seeking, in the immortal words of hillary and barack, change.

It is not a good thing to be loved by the bad guys. It is a good thing to be hated and feared by them.

npr could have used the iranian’s lack of need for security as evidence that he is one of the criminals.

It did not.

Think about that if you are ever tempted to donate to this tax-supported network.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

.....that is one temptation that has never been a problem for me to fight!!
Good comments Paul, but I've got an another idea. Why doesn't the courageous leader of Iran come over here and visit? No guards required here either, and we'll even put him up in a very secure resort that we run down in Cuba! He'll get free room and "boarded".
(Sorry....couldn't resist that one!)