Monday, March 17, 2008


I have heard birds singing in the early AM for the last few mornings.
Spring is no longer very far away.

barack’s pastor is giving him the heebie-jeebies.

hillary is making incredible claims about her ‘experience’.

John McCain is going about the serious business of consolidating his position of leadership in the Party and the Nation.

Good people who have concerns about McCain and are hesitating to support him should consider the alternatives: barack or hillary. ‘Nuff said.

The mayor of Detroit is making a fool of himself and of his city. I hope it is not his city.
If he succeeds in keeping his office, then Detroit will go to a lower-case d on this site, and it will deserve whatever negative future it gets.

The governor of NY did the right thing when he resigned. But New York and NYC would not put up with the likes of the mayor of Detroit. Detroit is once again proving itself to be a special case.

I am hearing that Great Lakes levels will be up this spring. Thank the Good Lord.

Ten of us recently attended a presentation and question-and-answer session with a noted npr radio political-talk-show hostess, Diane Rehm.

She is a gifted and gracious and knowledgeable host who is at ease with her audience and her topics.
It was her audience that I found to be very interesting.
It was quite properly composed largely of her fans. That was, after all, why I/we were there.

The interesting thing for me was what the questions which that liberal audience asked said about them, the questioners themselves.

Please know that I was there as a fan of Mrs. Rehm, but as a conservative fan. I enjoy her in spite of her liberalism.

The liberals who were there enjoy her for good reasons but also for the fact that they agree with her.

Big difference.

Every question put to the hostess about an international problem revealed that the prevailing consensus of that liberal assembly assumed as a matter of course that the US was, if not the cause of the world’s manifold problems, then that it was the reason why those problems were not being solved.
Awkwardly said, but I hope you get the point.

This assumption was blatant. Overt! Not at all subtle.

A few examples:

This or that festering and continuing problem will be solved if only:

…the US would talk w/o reservation to this or that barbarian leader.
…the US would stop supporting this or that right-wing or illiberal leader.
…Americans would vote in a non-Bush-like Presidential candidate
…the US would increase or redirect foreign aid.
…the US would stop polluting the atmosphere.
…the US would join/support Kyoto Accords
…the US would deal more “even-handedly with the Palestinian/Israeli
…the US stops being ‘inconsistent’ in the way it treats foreign nations.
…the US stops interfering with scientific progress.

Well, enough, you should get the point. It went on and on. Not only was the US having trouble dealing with difficult internatonal problems, but indeed, that it was the cause of most of them.

This was an upscale group of libs. We had a great time. We would not have missed it. And Mrs. Rehm is a superb host.

But she is a liberal and you have to factor that in to the responses she gives to her questioners, her fans.

But she is good and very worth listening to.

But her audience, the libs, is/are a real piece of work. This ‘bunch’ of them was articulate. Probably all of them are successful in their lines of work. They are no doubt very smart individuals.

But they are liberals and they displayed their liberal ignorance that night.

I’d go and watch the display again.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

I honestly don't know how you could do it Paul! I just don't think that I could have the discipline to sit through an event like this without getting up and just going off on these people.
Then again, being so outnumbered, how could I? So the result would be a sickening frustration that would probably just drive me from the building.
I admire your ability to sit quietly and just take it in. You can learn a lot that way. Unfortunately, I haven't learned how to do that yet!