Saturday, March 1, 2008


It was during a late lunch on a Saturday afternoon. I had just made a bacon/lettuce sandwich and a bowl of hot tomato soup.

hillary was on the TV making a campaign speech.

She was promising stuff.

I put down my fork or spoon or whatever.

I think I heard her promising: free college ed for those in debt and in college; subsidized college funding for all needy prospective college young people; a negotiation/renegotiation (end) to NAFTA (w/o) warning our chief trading partner Canada; an end to No Child Left Behind; training/retraining for all non-college American workers; national health care for all Americans (emphasize all)enhanced head start programs; and probably other stuff which I missed between bites.

There was applause between each promise.

I didn’t hear barack during lunch but I presume he is promising similar things. I am sure he does.

They can deliver on these promises.

They can????

Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!

In a pig’s eye they can.

If you believe it, you deserve to be disappointed.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

We may have thought it impossible that Hillary could appear any worse, but in the desparation mode to which she has sunk now, she is truly a sad specimen.
Even dems and feminists have to be cringing.
The rusty gears of the Clinton machine are are in serious need of help. If it doesn't come Tuesday from the party faithful, the Bill and Hillary era is done.
The champagne is on ice. I'm ready to celebrate.