Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The factors governing the world's climate must be complex, complex to the max!!

The nature of climate itself is of the same order, of immense complexities.

For politicians and political hacks to attempt to take advantage of changes therein for their own benefits is pathetic and disgusting..

The link below will take you to an article wherein:

The science is up to the minute--unlike the UN's report, which deliberately disregarded the most recent studies and data. It's an excellent place to learn the basics of the global warming controversy.

Check it out.

Don't believe the greens and the algores.

They are largely full of it on this one.


Upnorfjoel said...

Look for a more detailed comment on this over at "The Mole Hole" very shortly. I am finishing a most interesting, unbiased, scientific book on climate change.

As this post states, the world has gone through thousands of significant climate changes over the eons. The one that some scientists are forecasting for us over the next century, even in the worst of the projections, would simply be a "blip" compared to many that the earth has seen. And these were all long before the first hydrocarbon dripped out of an automobile.

Mankind gets an awful lot of credit that he doesn't deserve! Good and bad. Stay tuned.

Upnorfjoel said...

The Weather Channel founder, John Coleman says that he may sue Al Gore for the fraudulent activity he has brought upon the public concerning his alarmist reaction to "man-made climatic change".

Coleman says that this would be the best way to bring Gore's voodoo forecasting out into public scrutiny.

Too funny. I'd love to see it!