Tuesday, January 8, 2008


The Supreme Court is currently considering whether or not it is legal to require voters to identify themselves as they attempt to vote.

Now, I only spent a few months in law school a lifetime ago, but this really does seem to be a no-brainer.

We need ID to drive a car; to cash a check; to cross a border; to do any number of things, and yet the democrat party thinks it is racist to require us to id ourselves when we want to cast a ballot.

Opponents of the ID law claim that our electoral systems rarely ask for ID anyway, and that there are precious few times when a person attempts to vote with a false name.

I respond that the precious few times might be the result of fearing that an ID might be required.

This is much the same idea that folks use to argue against the death penalty. We will never know how many folks are deterred from killing by the fear of assured execution, a type of punishment which is by no means common in the US of these days.

Require ID and there will be no phony voting. Guarantee execution to capital criminals and there will be few or no capital criminals.

No-brainers, both of em.

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