Friday, January 25, 2008


Poor Detroit.

What can one say?

I have always believed that a democracy eventually gets the leadership it deserves.

I am afraid that Detroit has gotten what it deserves.

It would appear that the Mayor has problems whilst testifying under oath, to say the least.
The people elected him.

The schools are a sad joke.
The family/school dynamic is…dysfunctional.

Cultural icons have been closed or thrown upon their own resources. Some of them are doing quite well, but no thanks to the city.
Too many folks of Detroit have no interest in their cultural icons.

Crime rates are a disgrace.
Local TV news reports read/sound like a police blotter.

Reports and suspicion of graft and/or incompetence and/or inefficiency are ever-present parts and parcels of news regarding the city and even sometimes of Wayne County.
Folks who deal with the city tell a sadly-consistent tale.

Unemployment rates are enormous.
It is no fun to work at low paying, unpleasant jobs, and lots of folks have decided to avoid them.

And now the Mayor appears to have been caught in blatant perjury. And the city appears to have attempted to suppress evidence.

Is it racism to declare that Detroit is a city in trouble? That it has been in trouble for a long time? That it shows no signs of getting out of trouble?

The suburbs have long been criticized for causing Detroit’s problems.

I submit that a new rapid transit system will not help.

I submit that more gambling casinos will not help.

I submit that modifying Cobo Hall/Arena will not help.

I submit that Detroit’s problems are probably insoluble.

Michigan and the Middle West will just have to find the least unpleasant ways to coexist.

1 comment:

Upnorfjoel said...

....and now the Ethics Board of the City of Detroit has spoken. (Who knew that the city even had an Ethics Board?)...
....and the response is "We really don't want to comment on the Mayor or Ms. Beattie at this time."
So much for Ethics in the City of Detroit!
No one should be surprised.
There's a giant sucking sound from the city center, and it's dragging the whole SE area of Michigan down with it.
They deserve exactly what they get, but we don't.
And don't wait for our Governor to do anything.
She's a big fan of the Mayor.
What is she saying now? I don't believe I've heard her comment.
Even if she wanted to, it's a matter of people not wanting to help themselves, for not expecting more for themselves and their city, and so nothing will improve.