Thursday, January 10, 2008


Mitt Romney has a Michigan connection??

Has he lived in Michigan in the last 30 or more years??

Does he vacation in Michigan??

Does he visit Michigan regularly, prior to the current primaries??

Does he conduct business in Michigan??

Does he hold elective office in Michigan??

Isn’t he the east coast guy??


Upnorfjoel said...

Where oh where has Ronna gone?? Mitt's sister-in-law was big news just a few years ago! Chairing the Michigan GOP and making an unattainable run against "lifetime" Levin for Senate. Either she passed away (and I sure don't recall that) or has possibly become estranged from the Romney clan?? Doesn't make sense that she would not be out there stumping for Mitt.

Paul said...

Where has my memory gone?
Thanks, Joel, for the reminder re Ronna.