Monday, January 14, 2008


Below are a few of the thoughts on my mind as I consider what to do tomorrow with regard to the Primary. They are in no particular order:

It is of paramount importance to defeat the national democrat candidate.

The Michigan Primary must be the vehicle for electing the best, if not the perfect candidate to achieve the defeat of the national democrats.

The Republican choice of Michigan voters need not be the one finally elected to the White House – for we do not know who the national democrat party is going to select as the final candidate – so, the duty of Republicans in the Michigan Primary is to keep the best two candidates alive to defeat the national democrat.

The two front national democrats are obama and hillary.

It is very likely that the best Republican opponent for obama is McCain.

It is very likely that the best Republican opponent for hillary is Giuliani.

Therefore, it follows that both McCain and Giuliani must be kept in the race.

With this in mind, it also follows that McCain must be the winner over Romney in the Primary to keep him alive as we wait to see who the national democrat candidate is going to be.

Romney lacks a real Michigan connection. He does not appeal to enough of American society. He just does not excite enough people.
He probably could not win a national election.

McCain or Giuliani could win a national election.

Further, Republican voters should not demand a perfect candidate. We can wait a bit to decide on the best one, if for no other reason than the one cited above.

The next President will appoint Supreme Court Justice(s).

He will probably have to deal with a democrat Congress.

We want him to be feared by the barbarians. Emphasize that word…FEARED. The barbarians will not fear a national democrat candidate.

We need a President who will thwart the high-tax democrat Congress.

We do not need a fool who emptily calls for change.

Vote to keep the best two Republicans in the race, to keep the viable options open.
Sorry Romney.

If the Republican nomination process is not resolved until a bit later, so be it.

I regret that Giuliani chose not to engage until Florida. He is a valuable part of the effort to safeguard the Republic. So is McCain.

The national democrats as presently constituted are not.

Good luck to us all as we make our selection. It will do us no good to elect the perfect candidate who cannot win a national election.

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