Friday, January 18, 2008


McCain leads in the polls. Followed by Huckabee. Then Romney and Thompson. And only then Giuliani.

Obama and Clinton are frontrunners for the democrats.

I guess in some ways it is like a horserace. The gates have opened and the horses are pounding on the track.

Giuliani is in the rear, almost, but he is a contender. I say again, he is needed as a counter to who may become the democrat candidate.

Obama is apparently outpolling hillary. Damn the polls, but that is what they are saying.

Were we better off w/o polls?

Anyway, we at this end are hoping for a Huckabee decline. We are resigned to a win for McCain. And we hope that Giuliani improves his stats. We wish that he was not banking so heavily on Florida. As we said before, he will be needed if the dem candidate is Hillary.

Who needs the TV script writers?

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